Sustainability News

September 26, 2023

Healthy MATSA Program

This initiative promotes a culture of healthy living at MATSA through outdoor activities in the scenic landscapes surrounding our operations. Activities have included the “Route Among the Orange Trees”, a circuit walk through the countryside on land adjacent to our Aguas Teñidas and Magdalena assets.

We have also organised an archaeological-mining hiking route through the Monte Romero area in the vicinity of Cueva de la Mora and enjoyed with this our employees, their families, and members of the local community. Our Sotiel operation was included with a geo-mining hiking route through Sotiel Coronada organised with the Friends of the Sotiel Mine Association.

This initiative contributes to UN SDG3 – Good Health and Wellbeing.

Lenaneo la Botsogo la kwa MATSA 

Lenaneo le le rotloetsa mokgwa wa botshelo jo bo itekanetseng mo komponeng. Tse di dirwang ka fa tlase ga lenaneo le di akaretsa “Tsela e e ralalang ditlhare tsa dinamune,” se ke go itshidila mmele ka go tsamaya mo dikgweng tse di dikologileng moepo. Tse di dirwang di akaretsa gape dithuto go rotloetsa mokgwa wa botshelo jo bo itekanetseng.

Lenaneo le le thusa phitlhelelo ya maikaelelo a lekgotla la ditshaba a SDG 3 la Botsogo jo bo Siameng le Boitekanelo.

Programa saludable MATSA 

Esta iniciativa contempla una cultura de vida saludable en la empresa. Incluye actividades como la «Ruta de los Naranjos», un recorrido para caminar por el terreno próximo al activo minero y otras actividades de concienciación con el objeto de promover hábitos de vida más saludables.

Esta iniciativa contribuye al ODS 3 de la ONU, Salud y bienestar.

About Sandfire

Sandfire Resources is one of the largest copper-focused companies on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX).

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Our operations extend across Australia, Botswana, Spain and the USA.


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