Our diverse network of suppliers is integral to the success of our business.
Our diverse network of suppliers is integral to the success of our business and we are committed to collaborating with suppliers who share our commitment to operating in a responsible, safe, resilient and sustainable manner.
Our Supply Chain includes small businesses, local to our activities, through to global companies. It provides a wide range of products and services, including labour, that contribute to our operations. These products and services include:
- Support services – camp management services, air charter services, freight of inbound goods, power supply, information technology services, training providers, fuel supply, provision of branded clothing and protective personal equipment, other equipment and vehicles.
- Exploration – drilling and geophysical contractors, drill tools, general hardware and analytical laboratories.
- Processing – shutdown contractors, supply of grinding media, supply of flocculants, labour hire.
- Mining – underground mining contractors, cement, explosives, earth movers.
- Delivery – haulage services, port services, stevedoring and shipping.
- Projects – technical support services, equipment suppliers, construction contractors.
If you are interested in becoming a supplier of Sandfire, please click on the link below.
Supplier Code of Conduct
Sandfire’s Supplier Code of Conduct (Code) sets out the behaviours and business practices we expect of our suppliers and complements the contractual arrangements we have with our suppliers.
We expect that our suppliers communicate and, to the extent possible, apply the principles of the Code to their supply chains.