ESG Framework

Our people

As a global company with a footprint across four continents, our inclusive culture that values the diverse backgrounds and experiences of our people, is critical to achieving our strategy.

Our intentionally simple operating model and flexible work practices are designed to empower our employees and contractors and clarify all lines of accountability within a considered risk framework. This approach builds trust and psychological safety, and results in more effective and agile risk-based decision-making closest to where the work is done. For more information see our Sustainability Reports.

Our People 5 Year Goals

Zero fatalities and prevention of serious incidents and occupational diseases.

Global Milestones:

  • Reduce total recordable injury frequency rate (TRIFR) year-on-year.
  • Deliver the Sandfire Safety Leadership and Capability Development program globally.
  • Optimise Principal Hazard Program at each operating asset.
  • Extend our community health and wellbeing programs and establish partnerships to address SDG 3: Good Health and Wellbeing.
Workforce composition reflects the communities in which we work, and equal opportunity is provided to all our people.

Global Milestones:

  • Implement multi-year global Inclusion and Diversity Program. Baseline established and targets in place at each asset to improve diversity.
  • Implement actions from Respect @ Work audit undertaken in 2023.
  • Invest in community development programs which provide equitable access to technical, vocational, and tertiary education supporting pathways to mining.
  • Leadership teams to be reflective of our communities’ composition by 2028.
Attract, retain, and motivate our employees with a compelling employee value proposition.

Global Milestones:

  • Create a meaningful connection for internal and external stakeholders to Sandfire’s purpose.
  • Multi-year program to continually enhance and invest in a compelling Employee Value Proposition.
  • Measurable year-on-year improvement in employee engagement on key priority indicators.
Enable our people to reach their full potential at Sandfire, now and into the future.

Global Milestones:

  • Multi-year integration of psychosocial safety into leadership and wellbeing programs at
  • Expand and embed our career and skills pathways and development program across the
  • Embed our Don’t Walk Past philosophy at all assets.

Health and Safety

At Sandfire, the health, safety and wellbeing of our team members will always be paramount.

Sandfire is a sustainable mining company transforming into a global copper producer of significance

About Sandfire

Sandfire Resources is one of the largest copper-focused companies on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX).

Where we operate

Our operations extend across Australia, Botswana, Spain and the USA.


Learn about our approach to sustainability, and how it’s embedded across our business.


Keep up to date with the latest news and announcements on our outstanding base of operating assets and strong growth opportunities.



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