Where we operate


Sandfire completed the US$1.865 billion acquisition of MATSA in February 2022, with our cornerstone asset, now fully integrated into our business.

MATSA Profile

Product: Copper, Zinc and Lead concentrates (containing a silver by-product)
Central processing facility: installed capacity of 4.7Mtpa
Mine life: 12+ years
Location: Iberian Pyrite Belt, Spain, approximately 130km from Seville
Mining method: Three underground mines, Aguas Teñidas, Magdalena and Sotiel using a combination of longitudinal and transverse open stoping.
Processing method: Central processing facility using conventional crushing, grinding and flotation processes.
Current resources and reserves: See our Mineral Resources & Ore Reserves page here. 


The MATSA operations are located in the Huelva Province of southwestern Spain in the northern portion of the highly prospective Iberian Pyrite Belt. MATSA is a substantial polymetallic mining operation comprising a central processing facility that sources ore from three underground mines, Aguas Teñidas and Magdalena in Almonaster la Real and Sotiel in Calañas. The processing facility produces copper, zinc and lead mineral concentrates (containing a silver by-product) that are shipped from the port of Huelva.

The operations are supported by a highly skilled workforce, with approximately 80% of staff employed from local towns in the Huelva province, and an experienced in-country management team.

The surrounding exploration tenure, comprising approximately 3,000km2, offers Sandfire substantial long-term exploration upside and organic growth potential. Read more on our approach to exploration here.

For the latest news and announcements on MATSA, including operational and financial performance updates, visit our ASX announcement page here.

Management of Water Resources


Sandfire treats water as a precious resource and is committed to working with stakeholders to manage impacts on water bodies. Our MATSA operations has clear targets in place for sustainable water use, and utilises modern water infrastructure for the treatment, regulation and handling of water.

Sandfire is collaborating with Life Remine Water, a project which has recently launched a new initiative called the “Mining Water Living Lab”. This project is aimed at researching and developing innovative water treatment solutions, to promote the recovery and reuse of water in the mining industry.

Sandfire is a sustainable mining company transforming into a global copper producer of significance

About Sandfire

Sandfire Resources is one of the largest copper-focused companies on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX).

Where we operate

Our operations extend across Australia, Botswana, Spain and the USA.


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