Health, Safety and Wellbeing

Mental Health

At Sandfire we believe health, safety and wellbeing is integral to our business and our people.

The last decade has seen a concerning increase in the diagnosis of mental health illness within the mining sector. The nature of FIFO (Fly-In Fly-Out) mining, which combines time away from family with long hours and physically demanding tasks, can create a challenging work environment. We encourage our people to reach out for help when needed and, through education, have equipped our team to recognise the signals that could indicate a colleague may need help.

Our Australian employees, contractors and their immediate family members have access to our Employee Assistance Program (EAP), a free, professional and confidential service that supports, guides and counsels people to manage their mental health. We also provide mental health wellness training to our employees every two years, focused on raising awareness of mental health issues in the workplace and imparting strategies to manage mental well-being.

The Blue Tree Project

At the DeGrussa Copper Mine, a blue tree is painted as part of the Blue Tree Project Initiative, which is aimed at raising awareness and reducing the stigma associated with Mental Health.

The Blue Tree acts as a reminder for our crew that “it’s ok to not be ok” and that help is available.

About Sandfire

Sandfire Resources is one of the largest copper-focused companies on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX).

Where we operate

Our operations extend across Australia, Botswana, Spain and the USA.


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