
Tailings Management

We prioritise the safety of all tailing’s storage facilities throughout the facility’s lifecycle, from design through to construction, operation, and closure. In addition to our focus on facility safety, we are committed to demonstrating environmental stewardship through our management of tailings.

Sandfire shares the International Council of Mining and Metals vision for the safe management of tailings facilities, towards the goal of zero harm.

We have made a public commitment to align with the Global Industry Standard on Tailings Management (GISTM).

Consequence classification of our tailings facilities


FacilityLocationStatusConsequence classification
DeGrussaShire of Meekatharra,
Western Australia
Care and maintenance
towards closure stage
ANCOLD – Significant (during operation)
Note – to be reviewed for closure / aftercare
MotheoGhanzi Region,
ActiveANCOLD – High A
GISTM – Very High
Black ButteMontana, USADesignFEMA – Significant or high hazard
MATSAAlmonaster La Real,
Huelva Province, Spain
ActiveGISTM – Very High

Sandfire is a sustainable mining company transforming into a global copper producer of significance

About Sandfire

Sandfire Resources is one of the largest copper-focused companies on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX).

Where We Operate

Our operations extend across Australia, Botswana, Spain and the USA.


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